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FlowTimes - October 2008

Your Update on Flow, Temperature, and Pressure Measurement from Flow Research

Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder; Volume 9, Number 3  - ISSN 1350-7204





1. Welcome to FlowTimes! This year, 2008, marks our tenth anniversary.  The first ten years have been very good to us, and we expect that the next ten years will be even better. You can count on us as a one-stop-shop – for studies and as a resource for you when you need data to support your product development efforts or are looking for a partnership or alliance.  Flow Research is one of the few truly independent voices in the instrumentation universe, and we plan to keep it that way.  We are here to serve you, our friends and clients and we’re thank you for your participation and support.  Read the Letter from the President.


  2.   2. Check out our new study, The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters, 3rd Edition, hot off the press. This exciting study includes market size, market shares, and forecasts for the Coriolis flowmeter market to 2012. We discovered that Coriolis use is growing in the oil & gas industry for gas flow measurement and the custody transfer of petroleum liquids. There is also a trend toward Coriolis meters in line sizes above six inches. This study is a completely new edition if a study first published in 2001 and 2003. It researches straight tube and bent tube meters and progress on gas and steam flow measurement. For complete information on the study, go to www.flowcoriolis.com, or give us a call.


2.    3. Find out about one of the fastest growing segments of the process control instrumentation market in our new study, The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers. Although we’ve been following the MFC market for many years, we’re pleased to offer our first MFC off-the-shelf study. We believe we’re the only company that has sized not only the semiconductor market, but also the industrial and laboratory research markets. Plus, we have divided these latter two markets by industrial segments on both a worldwide and regional basis.   For an overview and table of contents, please visit www.flowmfc.com 


3.     4. KROHNE now offers Coriolis mass flowmeters up to 10 inches for accurate bulk measurement in the oil & gas industry.  The April 21, 2008 launch of the OPTIMASS 2000 prevents the buildup of static in hydrocarbons, while offering accurate measurement. The low flowrate capability is also a benefit for custody transfer applications. For more information, click here.


3.     5. The Pickens Plan can work, say 74% of Americans in a national poll reported August 18, 2008 by Sacred Heart University, Connecticut and highlighted the Q2 2008 Worldflow Energy Monitor.  Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens’ plan is to cut America’s dependence on foreign oil by more than a third within 10 years through ingenuity, solar and wind energy, and bio-fuels.  Although neither presidential candidate has endorsed the plan, four governors and 17 members of Congress have signed Pickens’ Energy Independence Pledge, which demands that the next Administration sends a real Energy Plan to the Congress within the first 100 days.  For more details, visit www.pickensplan.com.


4.     6. Would you like to influence what we cover in our upcoming study, The World Market for Magnetic Flowmeters, 4th Edition? The study, due out in February, will address key magnetic flowmeter issues, including the demand for 2-wire meters, the displacement of AC with DC magnetic meters, the need for insertion magnetic flowmeters, types of liners, and features. It’s not too late to impact the study’s scope and segmentation – and receive a significant discount – by becoming a Founding Sponsor.  You can find out more at www.flowmags.com. Contact Norm Weeks at (781) 245-3200 or norm@flowresearch.com. 


  7. Since September 2007, Flow Research has published eight brand new studies! Our last two studies are on mass flow controllers and Coriolis flowmeters. Our Volume X study includes all types of flowmeters, and reports on the entire flowmeter market. 


We have a website for each study.  These websites provide information on the relevant technology, and also provide more details on the studies, including the earlier editions. Don’t miss these market studies:


The World Market for Differential Pressure (Flow Transmitters (www.flowdp.com) (September 2007)  

The World Market for Primary Elements (www.flowplate.com) (September 2007)  

The World Market for Pressure Transmitters, 2nd Edition (www.worldpressure.com) (October 2007)  

The World Market for Ultrasonic Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (www.flowultrasonic.com) (January 2008)

The World Market for Steam Flow Measurement (www.steamflows.com) (March 2008)  

Volume X: The World Market for Flowmeters, 2nd Edition (www.floweverything.com) (April  2008)

The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers (www.flowmfc.com) (July 2008)  

The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters, 3rd Edition (www.flowcoriolis.com) (September 2008)


7.   8. Get a free trial subscription to the Worldflow Monitoring Service. Our newly expanded Worldflow Monitoring Service includes quarterly reports and timely updates:


Market Barometer - A quarterly report on the flow, temperature, and pressure markets

Energy Monitor - A quarterly report on the oil & gas, refining, power, and renewables industries

Flash Reports - Breaking news in instrumentation and energy

White Papers - In-depth analysis of important issues

Worldflow Online - 24/7 access to market data, strategies, and past Worldflow reports going back to 2002


The Worldflow Monitoring Service features a website, www.worldflow.com, which serves as the launching pad for Worldflow Online. To receive a free trial subscription to this valuable service, go to www.worldflow.com and fill out the Free Trial Subscription Form, or send an email to jesse@flowresearch.com with your contact information. Please be sure to include your mailing address when requesting a free trial subscription.


What do you think of FlowTimes? We welcome your comments! Please send any comments or suggestions to Flow Research, or by email to jesse@flowresearch.com



FlowTimes is published by Flow Research, Inc.

Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder - jesse@flowresearch.com 


Associate Editors: 

Belinda Burum - belinda@flowresearch.com

Norm Weeks - norm@flowresearch.com


Flow Research, Inc.

27 Water Street

Wakefield, MA 01880

(781) 245-3200

(781) 224-7552 (fax)




                                     Belinda Burum


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