welcome to FlowTimes - June-July 2008 Your Update on Flow, Temperature, and Pressure Measurement from Flow Research Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder; Volume 9, Number 2 - ISSN 1350-7204 Since September 2007, Flow Research has published the following market
studies: The World Market for
DP Flow Transmitters (9/07) The World Market for Primary Elements
(9/07) The World Market for Pressure Transmitters,
2nd Edition (10/07) The World Market for Ultrasonic Flowmeters, 3rd
Edition (1/08) The World Market for Steam Flow Measurement
(3/08) Volume X: The World Market for Flowmeters, 2nd Edition (4/08) Later this June, we will be publishing the following studies: The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters, 3rd Edition The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers 1.
Our study revealed some very interesting findings.
New-technology flowmeters,
especially ultrasonic and Coriolis, have led the way in this fast-growth
market. However, some
traditional technology flowmeters, especially differential pressure (DP)
flowmeters, have also shown impressive growth.
During this time, the worldwide flowmeter market rode the wave of
capital spending and investment that began in early 2004.
Dramatic growth in the energy markets also helped propel this
market. For complete information, go to www.floweverything.com.
Feel free to contact us to learn more.
Our new steam flow study includes eight technologies used to measure steam
flow. The World
Market for Steam Flow Measurement includes a chapter on each type of
flowmeter used for steam flow. In
addition to DP and vortex flowmeters, the study looks at emerging
technologies of steam flow: Coriolis and ultrasonic.
Other technologies include variable area, target, and turbine.
Market size for 2007 is included for each flowmeter type, along
with forecasts to 2012. This
is the only market study on steam flow that we are aware of. Rising
energy prices are generating a need for more efficiency and accuracy in
steam flow measurement. This
study includes a survey conducted by Flow Research of end-users of
flowmeters for measuring steam flow.
For more details on this exciting new study, go to www.steamflows.com.
4. The price of crude oil
rose recently to more than $138 per barrel. What does this mean? Flow
Research recently published a 50 page White Paper on oil prices, looking
at the balance of supply and demand.
This White Paper was published as part of our Energy
Monitor, which follows the oil & gas, refining, and power
industries. The White Paper,
called Walking the Tightrope of
Supply and Demand, looks at the tight balance of supply and demand for
oil worldwide and identifies potential crimps in supply and sources of
greater demand. This White
Paper provides a very useful and practical framework for understanding
rising energy prices. We are
offering a free electronic and color-printed hardcopy of this White Paper
with your subscription to Worldflow.
Go to www.worldflow.com
for more details. 5.
Emerson Sells Brooks Instrument.
This sale was announced on December 31, 2007.
In doing so, Emerson is casting its lot with new-technology
flowmeters over the traditional technology meters sold by Brooks.
Brooks Instrument has long been known as a supplier of variable
area flowmeters. On the other
hand, Brooks is a leading supplier of mass flow controllers to industrial
markets, and also carries a line of Coriolis flowmeters for small line
sizes. The QUANTIM Coriolis
meter includes the flowtube and transmitter in an integrated unit.
Flow Research will soon be publishing a new Coriolis study.
The Coriolis flowmeter market is continuing to expand. This will be the
3rd edition of our study, The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters,
which was previously published in 2001 and 2003. End-users continue to be
attracted to the enhanced accuracy and reliability of Coriolis flowmeters.
This study will be a complete update on the market, including
straight tube and bent tube meters, line sizes, and progress on gas and
steam flow measurement. For complete information on the study, go to www.flowcoriolis.com,
or give us a call. 7. Flow Research is conducting
a market study on the worldwide mass flow controller market.
Mass flow controllers are widely used in the semiconductor industry, but
they also have industrial applications. This study will reveal both market
size and market shares for the semiconductor and industrial market
segments in 2007. For more information, go to www.flowmfc.com,
or give us a call.
Get a free trial subscription to the Worldflow Monitoring Service.
Our newly expanded Worldflow Monitoring Service includes quarterly reports
and timely updates: Market
Barometer - A
quarterly report on the flow, temperature, and pressure markets Energy
Monitor - A quarterly
report on the oil & gas, refining, power, and renewables industries Flash
Reports - Breaking
news in instrumentation and energy White
Papers - In-depth
analysis of important issues Worldflow
Online - 24/7 access
to market data, strategies, and past Worldflow reports going back to 2002 The Worldflow Monitoring Service features a website, www.worldflow.com,
which serves as the launching pad for Worldflow Online. To receive a free
trial subscription to this valuable service, go to www.worldflow.com
and fill out the Free Trial Subscription Form, or send an email to jesse@flowresearch.com
with your contact information. Please be sure to include your mailing
address when requesting a free trial subscription. What do you think of FlowTimes?
We welcome your comments! Please send any comments or suggestions to Flow
Research, or by email to jesse@flowresearch.com.
is published by Flow Research, Inc. Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder - jesse@flowresearch.com
Associate Editors: Norm Weeks - norm@flowresearch.com
Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax) www.flowresearch.com
Previous Issues of FlowTimes:
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