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Letter from the President
Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 781-245-3200 781-224-7552 (fax)
June 25, 2007
Summer is here, and it is time to think about taking a vacation and spending some time at the beach or the mountains. Here in New England, we are blessed with beautiful weather this time of year. The sky is bright and sunny, and the really hot weather doesn't arrive till later in July and August. I hope that you are experiencing equally beautiful weather where you are.
These are very busy days at Flow Research. In the past few months, I was privileged to visit valued clients in both Houston and Dallas. The Houston visit included a trip to a number of oil wells west of Houston. The increased demand for energy is keeping a lot of companies busy. The search for energy requires more flow, pressure, and temperature products, and it doesn't look like this demand will slow down anytime soon. Coriolis and Ultrasonic Studies Announced
One of the most exciting announcements to come out of Flow Research lately is that we have begun work on the 3rd Editions of our Coriolis and ultrasonic flowmeter studies. The Coriolis and ultrasonic flowmeter markets are the two fastest growing flowmeter markets, and there is always tremendous interest in our Coriolis and ultrasonic studies. We have a Founding Sponsor program that allows you to participate in the research and also to order either study at a substantial discount. For more information, go to www.flowcoriolis.com and www.flowultrasonic.com.
Steam Flow Study
We are very close to finishing the steam flow study, and will be publishing it in the next few weeks. This is the first study of its kind. As part of our research, we completed a survey of steam flow users. This survey is complete and has already been published. One important finding in the survey is that many companies are taking a closer look at their steam flow measurement, due to the increased cost of energy. As a result, many companies are looking to increase the accuracy and reliability of their steam flow measurement.
The steam flow study contains data on seven types of flowmeters used for steam flow measurement. These include differential pressure (DP), vortex, turbine, variable area, and target. The study also covers the emerging technologies of steam flow: Coriolis and ultrasonic. For more information, go to www.steamflows.com.
Pressure Transmitter Study
In July we will be publishing our pressure transmitter study. This will be the second edition of a study that was first published in January 2004. The pressure transmitter market has grown substantially in the past several years, and we are quantifying this growth. Much of the growth in the pressure transmitter market is due to increased demand from the oil & gas industry, and to rising demand for pressure transmitters in Asia, especially China. Suppliers have also made significant product improvements, and have made multivariable pressure transmitters more widely available. All this amounts to a market showing dramatic growth during a time of increasing demand. For more information, go to www.worldpressure.com.
DP Flowmeters and Primary Elements
In January 2007, we published our landmark study on DP flowmeters and primary elements. For the first time, the primary elements market is included with the DP flow transmitter market. As a result, the DP flowmeter market is revealed to be the largest flowmeter market in terms of revenues. This study is important for anyone selling DP flow transmitters or primary elements, and for anyone competing against this technology. For more details on this exciting new study, go to www.flowdp.com.
Points In addition to our new studies, we have expanded our Worldflow Monitoring Service, which is a quarterly subscription service. One added feature is a new website, which is www.worldflow.com. This website is the new location for Worldflow Online, a 24/7 living database of information about the instrumentation and energy industries. The Worldflow service includes the Market Barometer and Energy Monitor, Flash Reports, and access to Worldflow online. We have also instituted a new program called Worldflow Points. Under this program, every ten dollars spent on your Worldflow subscription gives you one Worldflow point. These points can be redeemed toward the purchase of any Flow Research market study listed on our order form. For example, someone who buys Worldflow on an annual basis receives 380 Worldflow points, which is good for a $380 discount on any Flow Research study. Worldflow points are can be redeemed at any time with any study order. I hope you will take advantage of this new program.
Let me close by thanking you for your help in providing information for our studies. We could not complete our research without your help and cooperation. As a result of your work, we are able to provide fair and objective studies that benefit everyone in the industry. If you have any followup questions or comments, please call me at (781) 245-3200, or send an email to jesse@flowresearch.com. Happy Summer!
President Flow Research, Inc. P.S.
In case you are not yet a Worldflow subscriber, let me take this
opportunity to offer you a free trial subscription to our Worldflow
Monitoring Service. To take advantage of this special offer, go to www.worldflow.com,
or send an email to jesse@flowresearch.com.
We have been publishing the Worldflow quarterly reports since 2002,
and they are an ideal way to keep up-to-date on the flow, temperature, and
pressure markets, and the energy industries.
This free offer gives you a chance to try out the service with no