welcome to FlowTimes - August 2010 Your Update on Flow, Temperature, and Pressure Measurement from Flow Research Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder; Volume 11, Number 2 - ISSN 1350-7204 Welcome to
FlowTimes! This issue updates you on some important new developments in
the world of flow. It also brings you up-to-date on some of our new and
upcoming market studies. As you will see, the push for energy and the
search for oil and gas is having an impact on the world of flow, and it is
impacting our projects as well.
have an ambitious study schedule planned over the next several months.
We are currently working on the 3rd edition of our
classic study, Volume X: The World
Market for Flowmeters (www.floweverything.com).
. We are also working on
the 2nd edition of our study, The
World Market for Gas Flow Measurement (www.gasflows.com).
This study was last published in 2004. It will include three add-on
modules that can be ordered separately: Module
A: Natural Gas Producers Worldwide Module
B: Natural Gas Producers in the Middle East Module
C: The World Market for Custody Transfer of Natural Gas The World Market for Gas Flow Measurement, 2nd Edition,
is due out in August, while the add-on modules are scheduled for
September. On
a more personal note, that friendly voice at the other end of the line may
belong to Leslie Buchanan. Leslie
joined Flow Research in March as a Research Assistant.
She has been in charge of keeping our contact list up-to-date and
doing research for some of our flowmeter studies.
An expert on horticulture, we have also put Leslie in charge of
maintaining our extensive plant collection at Flow Research, including our
20-year old jade plant. -- Jesse
Yoder, President, Flow Research 2.
Flow Research’s new study on the worldwide vortex flowmeter
began shipping in early July, and is called The World Market for
Vortex Flowmeters, 4th Edition.
The study includes market size worldwide and by region, growth forecasts,
and market shares for the leading suppliers.
It has a great deal of new segmentation that was requested by
vortex suppliers.
The study discusses the impact of the new American Petroleum
Institute (API) standard for using vortex flowmeters for custody transfer
For more information, including an updated study overview, go to www.flowvortex.com.
This website also has links to nine articles on vortex flowmeters,
including one published in the June 2009 issue of Flow Control. See the
website for an overview that details the extensive segmentation in this
study. The
website also has complete information about ordering the study. 3. The World Market for Flowmeters, 3rd Edition.
Flow Research is currently hard at work on this study, which
includes all types of flowmeters, and will completely update the entire
worldwide flowmeter market, including 14 flowmeter technologies. Despite
the downturn in the economy, we believe the market has expanded
significantly since our last edition of this study was published in 2008.
This study was an “instant classic” when it was first published
in 2003, and this edition will be equally valuable. We are working very
hard on this study, and we expect to publish this study early in August.
For more information on this study, go to www.floweverything.com. 4. Legends of Flow –
A New Website Several
months ago, Flow Research inaugurated a new website called Legends of Flow
(www.LegendsofFlow.com). The
purpose of this website is to provide information and knowledge about
those people who have made substantial contributions to the field of flow
measurement. If you know of someone who should be listed here, please
contact us at Flow Research. There
are three levels or tiers of people on this site:
addition, the site features technologies and companies that play an
important in the flowmeter world:
Check it out! 5.
Arkon announces two new magnetic flowmeters: Brno,
Czech Republic (May 2010)—The MAGX2 is an improved version of the Arkon
MAGX1. It continues the philosophy of the modular “plug and play”
design. It is a flexible
MAGB1 is the new Arkon battery powered electromagnetic flowmeter. MAGB1 is
claimed to have a ±0.5% accuracy of actual value. This makes it possible
to install a reliable flowmeter virtually anywhere without sacrificing
accuracy or performance if main power is not available. It is powered by
two 3.6V lithium batteries placed inside the transmitter, with a battery
life up to 5 years. Communication is done via USB using MODBUS RTU
protocol. Compact and remote versions are available (cable length limited
to 6 meters for remote version). Note:
For more information on Arkon’s new magnetic flowmeters, see the Market
Barometer for Q2 2010. For
information on the Market Barometer, go to www.worldflow.com.
Here is our study schedule for the next several months (drum roll
please). By
becoming a Founding Sponsor for these studies, you can not only
participate in the research but also receive a significant discount: · Volume X: The World Market for Flowmeters, 3rd Edition – August 2010 www.floweverything.com) A new edition of our classic study that includes all types of flowmeters! ·
The World
Market for Gas Flow Measurement, 2nd Edition – August 2010 (www.GasFlows.com) Note:
Includes three add-on modules on natural gas producers and custody
transfer of natural gas that are due out in September. ·
The World Market
for Liquid Analytical Instruments
– Q3 2010 (www.FlowAnalytical.com)
The World Market
for Turbine Flowmeters, 2nd Edition (www.FlowTurbine.com)
– Q3 2010 ·
The World Market
for Positive Displacement Flowmeters, 2nd Edition (www.flowPD.com)
– Q4 2010 7.
Stay up-to-date on developments in the flowmeter and energy
industries with a free trial
subscription to the Worldflow Monitoring Service. Our Worldflow Monitoring Service includes quarterly reports
and timely updates:
What do you think of FlowTimes?
We welcome your comments! Please send any comments or suggestions to jesse@flowresearch.com.
is published by Flow Research, Inc. Editor:
Dr. Associate Editors:
Belinda Burum – belinda@flowresearch.com
Norm Weeks – norm@flowresearch.com
FlowTimes is published by Flow Research, Inc.
Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax)
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