welcome to FlowTimes - August 2009 Your Update on Flow, Temperature, and Pressure Measurement from Flow Research Editor: Dr. Jesse Yoder; Volume 10, Number 3 - ISSN 1350-7204 Welcome to FlowTimes! This issue updates you on some important new developments in the world of flow. It also brings you up-to-date on some of our new and upcoming market studies. As you will see, the push for energy and the search for oil and gas is having an impact on the world of flow, and it is impacting our projects as well.
2. Worldwide magnetic flowmeter market projected to grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6 percent. This is the finding of our new study, The World Market for Magnetic Flowmeters, 4th Edition, which was published in May 2009. The leading European suppliers all showed substantial growth in this market. Growth is due to a greater need to measure water and water flow, to expanded supplier investments in China, and to a steady stream of new products from suppliers. Total market size is over $1 billion for the worldwide market. For more information on our new study and this exciting market, to www.flowmags.com. 3. Emerson Acquires
Roxar, ASA. Emerson,
the parent company of Emerson Process Management, has announced its
acquisition of Roxar ASA headquartered in Stavanger, Norway. Roxar
is considered a leading supplier of products and services designed for the
management and production optimization of oil and gas reservoirs. In
particular, Roxar is one of the few companies that manufactures multiphase
flowmeters. Multiphase flowmeters are used to measure the flowrates of
fluids with two or more phases, such as mixtures of oil, gas, and water,
without separation being required. These meters are used in oil & gas
production. Emerson,
of course, already has an extensive product
portfolio that includes a wide range of products, services, and solutions
that measure, analyze, control, automate, and improve process-related
operations. The Emerson
company includes a number of familiar product names such as Daniel, Fisher
Controls, Micro Motion, and Rosemount.
Emerson Process Management is already deeply involved in the oil & gas industry in topside and on-shore process management applications as a consulting, engineering, provisioning, and service firm. The Roxar acquisition nearly instantly permits Emerson to now penetrate the lucrative and expanding oil and gas reservoir operations side of the energy industry through the established Roxar product line of test and measurement products. For more information, see the Market Barometer for Q2 2009. For information on the Market Barometer, go to www.worldflow.com. 4.
Celerity's Mass Flow Controllers Acquired by Brooks Instrument The name Celerity was introduced in 2002 as the new name for Kinetics Fluid Systems. In November 2004, Texas Pacific Group (TPG), a private investment partnership, acquired Celerity. At that time, Celerity claimed that its revenues were US$330 million worldwide. In February 2006, Celerity acquired Entegris’ gas delivery product line, including mass flow controllers. The Allen, Texas manufacturing facility, which now belongs to Brooks, was included in this purchase. Brooks has acquired all of Celerity’s business except its integrated systems business. For more information, see the Market Barometer for Q2 2009. For information on the Market Barometer, go to www.worldflow.com.
6. Here is our study schedule for this year (drum roll please). By becoming a Founding Sponsor for these studies, you can participate in the research and also receive a significant discount:
Stay up-to-date on developments in the flowmeter and energy
industries with a free trial
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is published by Flow Research, Inc. Editor: Dr. Associate Editors: Belinda Burum – belinda@flowresearch.com
Norm Weeks – norm@flowresearch.com
FlowTimes is published by Flow Research, Inc.
Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax)
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